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Illustration of Mind Teazzer

Mind Teazzer


Welcome to Vivid Interactive's world of puzzle gameplay, where your mission is to solve 36 different puzzles including the game of concentration in varying degrees of difficulty.

The game is broken down into three types of puzzle games. First the player chooses from one of nine female pornstars. Each porn actress has a picture and a video clip related to her. This picture can either be made into a jigsaw puzzle, a slider puzzle, or a memory match game where when each card is matched and disappears more of the background picture is revealed. Completing any of these three puzzles unlocks a softcore pornographic clip from a Vivid Video movie.

Alternate Names
No information available
No information available
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Box - 3D

Mind Teazzer - Box - 3D - 275x546
North America -  275 x 546

Box - Front

Mind Teazzer - Box - Front - 800x1228
North America -  800 x 1228

Box - Front - Reconstructed

Mind Teazzer - Box - Front - Reconstructed - 1197x2156
North America -  1197 x 2156

Clear Logo

Mind Teazzer - Clear Logo - 638x101
638 x 101


Mind Teazzer - Disc - 800x800
North America -  800 x 800

Fanart - Background

Mind Teazzer - Fanart - Background - 1366x768
1366 x 768