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Illustration of Aaru's Awakening

Aaru's Awakening


Defeat a chilling evil

Awaken your power

Can you restore the balance between Dawn, Day, Dusk and Night? With the world of Lumenox under threat by Nights dangerous deeds, only Aaru has the gifts to save this mythical land.

Become Aarus courage and use his powers of teleportation and charging to travel to Nights domain. On your journey youll discover helpful friends... and deadly foes. Only the fastest fingers and quickest wits can solve the fiendish puzzles that await you...

Lumenox ehf
Lumenox ehf
Alternate Names
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No information available
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Aaru's Awakening - Banner - 1280x720
1280 x 720

Box - 3D

Aaru's Awakening - Box - 3D - 984x1365
984 x 1365

Box - Front

Aaru's Awakening - Box - Front - 500x707
World -  500 x 707

Clear Logo

Aaru's Awakening - Clear Logo - 440x220
440 x 220