Show do Milhão is based on a Brazilian TV game show by the same name, hosted by Silvio Santos, a famous Brazilian TV presenter, owner of SBT, one of the greatest TV channels in Brazil. Show do Milhão (One Million Show, in English) is basically a quiz game, with 16 questions divided in three blocks of five questions each, plus the one million question. Each question has 4 alternative answers, of which just one is right. The player wins a money prize for each right question. If he decides to stop at a certain question, he wins half of the questions' prize. If he guesses wrong, wins a quarter of the prize. But the rules are different for the last question: if he guesses wrong, he looses all the money he has won during the game. If he stops, takes half the prize as usual. The game features the digitized voice of Silvio Santos, as well as the show's main theme. All the text is in Portuguese.
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