Mighty! Pang is a video game of action developed and published by Mitchell in 2000 on CP System II . This is the 4th installment of the series.
Only released in Japan, this last part of the series picks up elements of the previous opus without really innovating. The boy with the cap is back, there are no more choices of characters like in Pang! 3 . On the other hand, many elements of Pang! 3 are taken, for example, the dragging ice ground, dogs biting, "bubble-bombs" or blocks destroying themselves in a chain.
The game principle remains identical to Pang . The player directs a character who can move right or left (and climb the ladders in certain levels), and pull a grapple upwards. The balls are bouncing and when the player shoots one of them, it divides into two balls, which themselves divide ... The more the balls are divided (and therefore smaller) and the less they bounce high: the player will have to adapt to the timings corresponding to the various sizes of balls on the screen. The player must avoid contact with the balls under pain of losing a life.
The "World Tour" mode makes the player travel through different parts of the globe (as in Pang and Super Pang). Each painting presents in the background a tourist image of the place crossed. Expert mode offers more challenging arrays and Panic mode offers bubbles in an empty decoration.