Release Date calendar
October 30, 2013
Platform joystick
Apple iOS
Game Type type
Max Players players

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Anomaly 2 is a reverse tower defense game. The player assumes the role of commander of a convoy and has to safely guide it to the mission objective. The game is set in a futuristic post-apocalyptic world where humans fight against an alien infestation. It is a sequel to Anomaly: Warzone Earth and maintains its core gameplay elements: tactical view, squad screen and battle view. Tactical view is for planning and setting optimal squad path. Squad screen for buying, selling, upgrading or changing order of units. Battle view for directly controlling commander on the battlefield and placing special abilities, like repair that heals units, or aim that focuses squad fire on a single selected tower. There are three important additions in Anomaly 2. The first one is the ability to morph units into their second mech form. Mech form grants different abilities, strengths and weaknesses. The second addition is the inclusion of new and more sophisticated types of enemies, units and abilities. For example one new tower absorbs squad fire and if its meters is completely full it will transform into a stronger tower. The last one is a multiplayer mode where one player controls the towers and the other one the convoy. That means that one player plays a tower defense game and the other one tower offense.

Alternate Names

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Not Rated

11 bit studios
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