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Illustration of Showdown



Showdown is a shooting game similar to the arcade games Gun Fight and Boot Hill. Two gunslingers (human vs. human or human vs. computer) face each other in a duel. The players can move up and down along the sides of the screen, aim by raising or lowering the firing arm and then shoot at the enemy. Some cover is offered in the form of obstacles: trees, cacti and a moving wagon. Reloading is automatic but takes a few seconds. The game keeps track of scores but is endless and there are no winning conditions.

Russell Starkey
Tandy TRS-80
No information available
Alternate Names
No information available
No information available
No information available


Box - Back

Showdown - Box - Back - 507x800
North America -  507 x 800

Box - Front

Showdown - Box - Front - 503x800
North America -  503 x 800

Cart - Front

Showdown - Cart - Front - 1200x767
North America -  1200 x 767

Screenshot - Game Over

Showdown - Screenshot - Game Over - 768x576
North America -  768 x 576

Screenshot - Game Title

Showdown - Screenshot - Game Title - 768x576
768 x 576

Screenshot - Gameplay

Showdown - Screenshot - Gameplay - 768x576
North America -  768 x 576