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The game is set in an era of space colonization where the Helghast Empire has recovered from its defeat in the First Helghan War and launched a blitzkrieg against the outer Interplanetary Strategic Alliance (I.S.A.) colony planet Vekta. Vekta's orbital Strategic Defense (S.D.) platforms failed during the initial assault, allowing the Helghast to land swarms of soldiers onto the surface and making it all the more difficult for the outnumbered I.S.A. forces.

In the game, the Helghast are a faction of human descendants who colonized the planet Helghan many generations ago. The planet's harsh environment forced the Helghast to adapt and mutate so much that they can no longer be considered human. They are stronger, faster and more resilient than their human cousins, and possess a burning hatred for humanity. Except for a small number of half-breed Helghast and trained troopers, they require a gas mask and air processing tank that creates air similar to that found on the planet Helghan.

The player takes control of I.S.A. Captain Jan Templar, who is fighting off the Helghast invasion. Templar and his squad are called back to the base for reassignment, and are promptly sent to find the I.S.A. operative Gregor Hakha and the information in his possession. During the course of the game, the player also takes control of several other characters, such as Shadow Marshal Luger (a female special operations assassin), a heavy weapons specialist Staff Sergeant Rico Velasquez (a Helghast-hating soldier with an itchy trigger finger), and Colonel Hakha, a half-Helghast, half-Human spy.

As the game progresses the player discovers that General Stuart Adams, a high ranking ISA officer, is a traitor and a servant of Joseph Lente (the commanding General of The Third Helghast Special Forces Army) and was responsible for sabotaging the SD platforms, rendering them unable to defend against the Helghast. The Earth Defense Fleet (EDF) go to assist the Vektan Army, however Adams kills General Voughton and receives his security key, allowing him to reboot the platforms, and prepare an ambush for the EDF relief force.

Jan and the others confront Lente, only to find out that Hakha was a commander in chief for him. Lente says that Hakha's family was ashamed to even be related to him, except his brother who talked of his heroism. Because of this, Lente had Hakha's brother shot down. With anger in his eyes, Hakha shoots Lente dead.

The team fly to the central SD platform and confront Adams, who is wounded by Templar. The platform begins to break up and Adams is killed by falling debris while trying to escape. Finally, the team restore the SD platform, allowing the EDF fleet to fight off the Helghast.

Guerrilla Games
Alternate Names
No information available


Advertisement Flyer - Front

Killzone - Advertisement Flyer - Front (North America) - 1239x1878
North America -  1239 x 1878


Killzone - Banner (null) - 760x140
760 x 140
Killzone - Banner (null) - 760x140
760 x 140

Box - 3D

Killzone - Box - 3D (North America) - 320x500
North America -  320 x 500
Killzone - Box - 3D (Spain) - 670x1055
Spain -  670 x 1055

Box - Back

Killzone - Box - Back (North America) - 1514x2147
North America -  1514 x 2147
Killzone - Box - Back (Spain) - 835x1200
Spain -  835 x 1200
Killzone - Box - Back (Japan) - 700x1026
Japan -  700 x 1026
Killzone - Box - Back (Europe) - 714x1000
Europe -  714 x 1000
Killzone - Box - Back (Germany) - 800x1133
Germany -  800 x 1133
Killzone - Box - Back (Australia) - 800x1136
Australia -  800 x 1136
Killzone - Box - Back (Italy) - 800x1136
Italy -  800 x 1136
Killzone - Box - Back (Korea) - 750x1070
Korea -  750 x 1070

Box - Front

Killzone - Box - Front (North America) - 1510x2147
North America -  1510 x 2147
Killzone - Box - Front (Europe) - 1563x2226
Europe -  1563 x 2226
Killzone - Box - Front (Korea) - 750x1070
Korea -  750 x 1070
Killzone - Box - Front (Japan) - 500x712
Japan -  500 x 712
Killzone - Box - Front (Germany) - 1523x2156
Germany -  1523 x 2156
Killzone - Box - Front (Australia) - 800x1143
Australia -  800 x 1143
Killzone - Box - Front (Italy) - 800x1127
Italy -  800 x 1127

Box - Spine

Killzone - Box - Spine (North America) - 48x640
North America -  48 x 640
Killzone - Box - Spine (Korea) - 86x1070
Korea -  86 x 1070

Clear Logo

Killzone - Clear Logo (Europe) - 568x200
Europe -  568 x 200
Killzone - Clear Logo (North America) - 1224x465
North America -  1224 x 465


Killzone - Disc (North America) - 1000x1000
North America -  1000 x 1000
Killzone - Disc (Europe) - 800x800
Europe -  800 x 800
Killzone - Disc (Korea) - 684x684
Korea -  684 x 684

Fanart - Background

Killzone - Fanart - Background (null) - 2473x1391
2473 x 1391
Killzone - Fanart - Background (null) - 3024x1701
3024 x 1701
Killzone - Fanart - Background (null) - 1920x1080
1920 x 1080
Killzone - Fanart - Background (null) - 1280x720
1280 x 720
Killzone - Fanart - Background (null) - 1920x1080
1920 x 1080
Killzone - Fanart - Background (null) - 1920x1080
1920 x 1080
Killzone - Fanart - Background (null) - 2670x1502
2670 x 1502
Killzone - Fanart - Background (null) - 3840x2208
3840 x 2208
Killzone - Fanart - Background (null) - 3840x2160
3840 x 2160
Killzone - Fanart - Background (null) - 1920x1080
1920 x 1080

Screenshot - Game Select

Killzone - Screenshot - Game Select (null) - 1440x1080
1440 x 1080

Screenshot - Game Title

Killzone - Screenshot - Game Title (null) - 640x480
640 x 480

Screenshot - Gameplay

Killzone - Screenshot - Gameplay (null) - 640x480
640 x 480
Killzone - Screenshot - Gameplay (null) - 640x480
640 x 480
Killzone - Screenshot - Gameplay (null) - 640x480
640 x 480
Killzone - Screenshot - Gameplay (null) - 640x480
640 x 480
Killzone - Screenshot - Gameplay (null) - 640x480
640 x 480
Killzone - Screenshot - Gameplay (null) - 640x480
640 x 480
Killzone - Screenshot - Gameplay (null) - 640x480
640 x 480
Killzone - Screenshot - Gameplay (null) - 640x480
640 x 480