Based on the movie of the same name, Gremlins: The Adventure is an interactive fiction game by Brian Howarth, author of the Mysterious Adventures series. Players take the role of Billy, who has already been tricked into feeding Gizmo after midnight, and now Kingston Falls is in danger of being overrun with Gremlins. With Gizmo's help, Billy must save the town before it is too late. There are some animated graphics in this one. The game has less than 50 locations, though time is a factor - the gremlins home in on Billy with every move he makes, so there is no chance to dawdle. The design means that deaths are more frequent than in most adventures. It uses the same parser as the other Adventure International games of this era. There were three warnings. Keep them out of light, especially sunlight. Don't ever get them wet. Keep them away from water. But the most important thing, the thing you must never forget . . . no matter how much they cry, no matter how much they beg never, never feed them after midnight.”
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