On the day of Snowia's annual Winter Festival, a festival that starts Spring, an evil villain takes the snow goddess statue, preventing the festivities from happening and keeping the world in winter indefinitely. Because the statue is needed for spring to come, the heroes Hyou and Kiyu go on an expedition to return the statue to its rightful place and restore order once more.
Coron Land consists of shooting enemies with the ray gun, throwing enemies, and throwing purple balls called Corons at enemies. Corons can either be generated from downed enemies (Quest Mode) or from random appearance (Battle Mode). Enemies are turned into corons after a certain amount of hits, but will return to their former forms if not dealt with after a certain amount of time. Once an enemy becomes a coron, players may either choose to immediately throw them as weapons or roll them to make them become bigger and cause more harm to enemies when thrown. This snowball effect also works for corons that are randomly dropped.