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Illustration of Zybex



A horizontally scrolling 'always firing' shoot 'em up game with an emphasis on power ups and notable for the fire button only being used to change weapon.

The player takes the role of one of two convicts; Rinser and Cassalana, escaping from an execution in intergalactic prison. To buy their freedom, players must collect tokens to open later levels by destroying the large end of level bosses.

Kevin Franklin
Zeppelin Games
Commodore 64
Alternate Names
No information available


Box - 3D

Zybex - Box - 3D - 506x903
United Kingdom -  506 x 903
Zybex - Box - 3D - 690x1046
Germany -  690 x 1046

Box - Back

Zybex - Box - Back - 749x1197
Europe -  749 x 1197
Zybex - Box - Back - 800x771
Europe -  800 x 771

Box - Back - Reconstructed

Zybex - Box - Back - Reconstructed - 753x1203
United Kingdom -  753 x 1203

Box - Front

Zybex - Box - Front - 761x1199
United Kingdom -  761 x 1199
Zybex - Box - Front - 800x770
Europe -  800 x 770

Box - Front - Reconstructed

Zybex - Box - Front - Reconstructed - 765x1206
United Kingdom -  765 x 1206

Box - Spine

Zybex - Box - Spine - 144x1209
United Kingdom -  144 x 1209

Cart - Front

Zybex - Cart - Front - 1171x749
United Kingdom -  1171 x 749

Clear Logo

Zybex - Clear Logo - 2393x746
2393 x 746


Zybex - Disc - 800x779
Europe -  800 x 779

Screenshot - Game Title

Zybex - Screenshot - Game Title - 320x200
320 x 200
Zybex - Screenshot - Game Title - 320x200
320 x 200

Screenshot - Gameplay

Zybex - Screenshot - Gameplay - 320x200
320 x 200

Screenshot - High Scores

Zybex - Screenshot - High Scores - 320x220
320 x 220