Belonging to the Captain Tsubasa Manga and Anime game series. It is the fourth installment in the series and the continuity of Captain Tsubasa 3: The Kaiser's Challenge. It´s graphically far superior to its three predecessors since it has several graphic improvements and a different story system than all previous installments, already featuring up to 4 alternate endings that develop multiple stories that never converge with each other. Depending on the route that was developed, several teams are managed in different story lines, depending on the development and the results that are presented, different stories will be unraveled. History will always start with the final of the Japanese tournament between Nanbudaigaku and Musashi FC , this match cannot be intervened and will always give as winner to Nanbudaigaku, then begins the story of Tsubasa in Brazil and his professional debut in Sao Paulo, again directed by Roberto and with a new star, the Italian Stratto.
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