Bakutotsu Kijuutei is an action shooter game and sequel to Baraduke. The first player controls Takky (who was the second player's character in that original game), while the second player controls Hommy. Unlike the first game, the characters are now always facing to the right of the screen and cannot shoot or go backwards. Also, instead of shields there's now a new weapon - the Machine Gun Vessel. There are several new enemies, as well as four different types of capsules - yellow, green, blue and red. Yellow ones contain Paccets, green ones contain speed power-ups, blue ones contain shot power-ups and red ones contain Baganns (Pac-Man-like creatures that attack the player). The aforementioned one-eyed aliens Paccets will circle around the player when they are collected, and add on to their scores at the end of a stage. If a Paccet is accidentally shot or killed, he will explode and send his eyeball flying. If the player catches the eyeball he will get a single point. The game is divided into thirty-six stages over six blocks.
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