Capcom Fighting Evolution, released in Japan and Europe as Capcom Fighting Jam is a 2004 fighting game published by Capcom. It was originally released as an arcade game for the Namco System 246 hardware. The game features characters from three different incarnations of the Street Fighter series, as well as characters from the Darkstalkers series and the CPS III arcade game Red Earth, with each character employing the fighting system from the game which they represent. Capcom Fighting Evolution features characters from the Street Fighter II, Street Fighter Alpha, Street Fighter III, and the Darkstalkers series, as well as the single game Red Earth. There are four selectable characters representing each series, excluding original character Ingrid and the boss characters Pyron and Shin Akuma. Each character uses a fighting system from the game which determines the techniques they can use and their Super Combo Gauge. Ingrid uses her unique fighting style with her own techniques, for a total of six fighting styles. The game consists of two-on-two endurance-style tag team matches. The player selects a pair of characters and then begins a match with the first one selected. If their current character is defeated in one round, then the player can choose to begin the next round with the other character.
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