In late 1998, a few months after the release of Battle on the Edge, Sega released an updated version, known as Daytona USA 2: Power Edition. Changes in this game include the environment of the beginner course; the dome and natural scenery that encircle the track in the regular release are removed and is changed to a "NASCAR Oval" look however, the course layout remains the same. Also included is the "Challenge" course option, which combines the three courses altogether. Along with slightly revamped handling physics, the beginner car's livery is altered. Added to Power Edition is the Hornet Classic car, the player car from Daytona USA with an altered design. The opponent cars' AI is also more aggressive in this version, with another change being to one corner in the advanced course to balance out the difficulty. Before this change, many experts considered this corner the most difficult in the game.[citation needed] Unusual for an arcade game, there was also an official strategy guide released in Japan. This strategy guide featured developer interviews as well as comprehensive tips and hints compiled by a group of arcade driving game professionals known as Team Marubaku. The strategy guide has been out of print for a number of years and second-hand copies can command high prices.