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Illustration of Fast Lane

Fast Lane


Fast Lane is a top down full screen maze game where you must drive a car over various levels with two road colours and change one of the road colours to match the main road colour. As you drive and change the road colour there is another vehicle roaming the maze trying to destroy you. You are unable to turn around so you must carefully use the gaps in the walls because if you are touched by the other vehicle then you lose one of three lives. Also on screen are people and if you run them over then you receive one of six power-ups which include jump, shoot and attack. Attack turns your car into an armoured vehicle which allows you to ram the other vehicle. You are also able to speed up and slow down your vehicle and once the whole road is the same colour then you move to the next level.

Alternate Names
No information available


Arcade - Circuit Board

Fast Lane - Arcade - Circuit Board (null) - 1449x1163
1449 x 1163

Arcade - Marquee

Fast Lane - Arcade - Marquee (null) - 3840x1190
3840 x 1190

Box - 3D

Fast Lane - Box - 3D (null) - 582x889
582 x 889

Clear Logo

Fast Lane - Clear Logo (null) - 2400x369
2400 x 369
Fast Lane - Clear Logo (null) - 1000x248
1000 x 248

Fanart - Background

Fast Lane - Fanart - Background (null) - 1920x1200
1920 x 1200

Fanart - Box - Front

Fast Lane - Fanart - Box - Front (null) - 864x1080
864 x 1080
Fast Lane - Fanart - Box - Front (Europe) - 974x704
Europe -  974 x 704
Fast Lane - Fanart - Box - Front (null) - 720x1080
720 x 1080
Fast Lane - Fanart - Box - Front (null) - 850x1200
850 x 1200

Screenshot - Game Over

Fast Lane - Screenshot - Game Over (null) - 224x280
224 x 280

Screenshot - Game Title

Fast Lane - Screenshot - Game Title (null) - 224x280
224 x 280

Screenshot - Gameplay

Fast Lane - Screenshot - Gameplay (null) - 224x280
224 x 280

Screenshot - High Scores

Fast Lane - Screenshot - High Scores (null) - 224x280
224 x 280