One or two players drive a fire engine through a maze of winding city streets, avoiding parked cars. In one-player mode, a person may drive the front or back of the fire truck. In a two-person game, the front player sits and drives the rig while the rear player stands and steers the trailer. Drive the truck through a random maze of streets. The game is played for points and extended play. Player rankings are Sorry, So-So, Good or Ace. A select button at the front and back choose either hard or easy tracks. The game has an overhead view. The game uses inverted video during extended play. When in one-player mode and the person is steering the trailer, the computer drives the front. In one- and two-player modes, massive oversteering can affect the whole truck and cause a crash. The front player has a horn button and back player has a bell button. Neither sound buttons serve any purpose in game play. Players simply earn points by driving. Extended play is awarded for for earning a high enough score. The fire truck never reaches a fire or any specific destination! Only the single-player version (Smokey Joe) is currently playable/dumped on MAME
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