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Illustration of Hyperdrive



Midway's futuristic arcade hover-racing game. Hyperdrive features custom arcade controls, a sit-down cabinet, and state-of-the-art 3D graphics.

The game has three different tracks with three levels of difficulty:

Track 1, Beginner Level, Orbital Speedway

Track 2, Advanced Level, Asteroid Mine

Track 3, Expert Level, Deep Space

Four different selectable ships are also available:

Ship 1, Beginner, Comprehensive Auto Pilot

Ship 2, Intermediate, High Speed

Ship 3, Advanced, Extreme Acceleration

Ship 4, Expert, Highly Manueverable

Midway Games
Midway Games
Alternate Names
No information available


Advertisement Flyer - Back

Hyperdrive - Advertisement Flyer - Back - 850x1103
United States -  850 x 1103

Advertisement Flyer - Front

Hyperdrive - Advertisement Flyer - Front - 850x1103
North America -  850 x 1103

Arcade - Cabinet

Hyperdrive - Arcade - Cabinet - 1624x2433
1624 x 2433

Arcade - Control Panel

Hyperdrive - Arcade - Control Panel - 1130x464
1130 x 464

Arcade - Marquee

Hyperdrive - Arcade - Marquee - 3840x1222
3840 x 1222

Box - 3D

Hyperdrive - Box - 3D - 582x889
582 x 889

Clear Logo

Hyperdrive - Clear Logo - 2400x484
2400 x 484
Hyperdrive - Clear Logo - 2400x484
2400 x 484

Screenshot - Game Title

Hyperdrive - Screenshot - Game Title - 320x240
320 x 240

Screenshot - Gameplay

Hyperdrive - Screenshot - Gameplay - 320x240
320 x 240