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Illustration of Darwin's Bugs

Darwin's Bugs


This program demonstrates how evolution can be observed within a Microscopic world, created by a computer program.

The basic concept was outlined in Scientific, American magazine, May 1989. The Microcosm consists of a pond, patrolled by bugs of an indeterminate type. As they swim around the pond, they encounter randomly placed bacteria, which they eat, thus gaining the energy they need to multiply. Bugs will evolve new, more successful swimming patterns that increase their food supply. For More details see the writeup, or read Scientific American.

For the C128 only. Included in Loadstar 128 #12. The game works in 80-columns mode; the 40-columns screen shows the graphics and the 80-columns shows the command lines.

Ian Adam
Alternate Names
  • Simulated Evolution: Darwinian Bugs
No information available
No information available


Screenshot - Game Title

Darwin's Bugs - Screenshot - Game Title (null) - 640x400
640 x 400

Screenshot - Gameplay

Darwin's Bugs - Screenshot - Gameplay (null) - 640x400
640 x 400
Darwin's Bugs - Screenshot - Gameplay (null) - 320x200
320 x 200
Darwin's Bugs - Screenshot - Gameplay (null) - 640x400
640 x 400