Alien Adventure is the second in a series of monthly text adventures for multiple systems. Based upon the movie Alien, you are the sole survivor of the Nostromo, on a mission to deliver a cargo of oil to the Earth. A crash landing has left you stranded on an alien planet, and you must gather supplies to enable you to return to the Earth aboard your escape shuttle. During the player's adventure, they must avoid the aforementioned alien, while looking for artifacts and supplies hidden through the alien planet and a crashed alien vessel that is remarkably similar to that seen in the original movie. These include oxygen, a map to the Earth, an alien teleporter, fuel, a diamond, an alien gem, and more. The difficulty level determines how many turns available until the alien arrives and kills the player. All commands are via 2-word VERB NOUN entries, and game play contains several object puzzles. There is no save or restore feature.
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