Digimon World 2 is a dungeon crawler video game developed by BEC and published by Bandai for the PlayStation as part of their Digimon series. It is the sequel to the original Digimon World, and was released in Japan in July 2000 and North America the following year in May 2001. Akira lives in Digital City, a town located in fictional "Directory Continent", a land where Digimon used to live peacefully. However, wild Digimon began attacking Akira's hometown, and Akira joins a guard team that is charged with protection peace and security of the region. At the start of the game, Akira finishes his last Training Mission and joins one of the Guard Teams (the player has the option of choosing between the Black Sword Team, the Gold Hawks team, or the Blue Falcon team). He receives missions from the Team Leader, which involve entering Domains and hunting down evil Digimon. Note : Digimon World 2 Alternative aims to be a new Digimon World 2 experience for both seasoned veterans of the game, as well as newer players! Features: Story and dialogue edited to reinterpret events New Digimon to recruit and Digivolve into (Including DNA-Digivolution!) Brand new domains to explore with new layouts Digimon Skill AP, MP cost, and effects are refactored Menu and Battle UI redone to support complete Digimon Skill information Digimon Re-name Attendant in Coliseum allows renaming of Digimon and more!
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