The Room Two

Release Date calendar
December 11, 2013
Platform joystick
Apple iOS
Game Type type
Max Players players

The Room Two is the sequel to The Room and provides a rather unique type of discovery or puzzle mystery game. Both leverage the benefits of touch style interaction with very intricate mechanical buttons, slides and optical effects. The Room Two repeats the previous interface context again in style and functions. The player this time will have only slightly more understanding of the goal as you follow a series of paper notes. The notes are rather mysterious in context and are presented as riddles or conundrums for the player to explore and solve. The gameplay is presented as larger themed rooms dimly lit as before with multiple areas of importance to decipher with linking doors to your next chapter or challenge as you progress. Player controls are free form in the way of being able to spin, turn, and manipulate the focus area of your attention in many directions and angles. To quickly zoom or focus to an area of interest a simple double tap will orientate that first person view to that region. To move away a quick two finger pinch will move out or closer. If the player chooses to acquire help they can at certain points touch the question mark on screen to light or vague hint. The hints never progress to a level that spell out what is needed but are more in line with suggestions. Objects found or used during the game appear in inventory at the left of the screen in boxes with the player needing to choose or manipulate them in various ways.

Alternate Names

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E - Everyone

Fireproof Games
Fireproof Games
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