Inspired by Carlo Collodi's novel The Adventures of Pinocchio, Lies of P tells the story of a humanoid puppet Pinocchio, who wakes up in an abandoned train station in the city of Krat, engulfed in chaos and madness. Pinocchio must find his creator, the master Geppetto, and overcome the calamity that has befallen the city, trying to become a man. Lies of P is a third-person soulslike that the player controls the humanoid Pinocchio and travels on foot through the city of Krat, exploring the environment and fighting various biomechanical enemies. The player uses an arsenal of weapons such as a sword and an axe against his enemies and can dodge and block their blows. Pinocchio has a mechanical arm that can be equipped with gadgets such as a grappling hook to lure enemies or a flamethrower. The weapon and crafting system offers 30 different weapon types with 100 combinations. The game features a "Lying System" where the decisions the player makes during certain passages affect the course of events, leading to three different endings.
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M - Mature