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Illustration of KnockOut!



KnockOut! is a boxing game where your aim is to become World Heavyweight Champion of the world by first becoming European Champion. You have to beat the computer fighters three times to become European Champion before beating the computer three times to become World Champion. Before the fights you can choose the stamina of your boxer and the computers from one to four, with one being the strongest. There is also a two player option which just consists of one fight between both fighters. The last option you have is the ability to create an opponent and this allows you to move the boxer around the ring, throw punches and defend with a limited amount of moves before allowing you the chance to fight him.

The fights themselves are viewed from the side with the whole ring on the screen and you take control of the boxer in the red trunks on the right. Each fight consists of four, one minute rounds and you have to knock your opponent down once to win the fight while avoiding being knocked down yourself. You can only move your fighter left and right and throw a left or right punch but you can block punches to the head. As a hit connects with a boxers head, a gauge increases and the speed this increases is how much stamina a fighter has. Once a gauge is full then the fighter is knocked down and the fight is over.

Alternate Names
  • Knockout (Alligata Software)
No information available
No information available


Advertisement Flyer - Front

KnockOut! - Advertisement Flyer - Front - 573x831
Europe -  573 x 831

Box - 3D

KnockOut! - Box - 3D - 265x439
Europe -  265 x 439

Box - Back

KnockOut! - Box - Back - 572x900
United Kingdom -  572 x 900
KnockOut! - Box - Back - 590x900
Europe -  590 x 900

Box - Front

KnockOut! - Box - Front - 600x900
United Kingdom -  600 x 900
KnockOut! - Box - Front - 582x900
Europe -  582 x 900

Box - Spine

KnockOut! - Box - Spine - 104x900
United Kingdom -  104 x 900
KnockOut! - Box - Spine - 98x900
Europe -  98 x 900

Clear Logo

KnockOut! - Clear Logo - 298x175
298 x 175

Screenshot - Game Over

KnockOut! - Screenshot - Game Over - 256x192
256 x 192

Screenshot - Game Title

KnockOut! - Screenshot - Game Title - 256x192
256 x 192

Screenshot - Gameplay

KnockOut! - Screenshot - Gameplay - 256x192
256 x 192
KnockOut! - Screenshot - Gameplay - 256x192
256 x 192
KnockOut! - Screenshot - Gameplay - 256x192
256 x 192
KnockOut! - Screenshot - Gameplay - 256x192
256 x 192