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Illustration of 10 Computer Hits 4

10 Computer Hits 4


A 2 cassette compilation of 12 games (10 plus 2 bonus) all of which were originally released as stand-alone titles. Most games are single player.

Blagger: platformer by Ross Goodley.

Bug Eyes II: platformer by Kevin Blake and Jason Sobell.

Death Star: scrolling shooter by Peter Johnson.

Galaforce: gallery shooter by Kevin Edwards and Martin Galway.

Ghouls: platformer by David Hoskins.

Karate Combat: 2 player fighting game by Martin Sykes.

Killer Gorilla: platformer by Adrian Stephens.

Psycastria: 1 to 4 player scrolling shooter by Gary Partis.

Repton: scrolling maze game by Tim Tyler.

The Mine: maze game by Walter Mansell.

Thrust: scrolling shooter by Jeremy Smith.

Zalaga: 1 or 2 player gallery shooter by Nick Pelling.

Alternate Names
No information available
No information available
No information available


Box - 3D

10 Computer Hits 4 - Box - 3D (Europe) - 660x1005
Europe -  660 x 1005

Box - Back

10 Computer Hits 4 - Box - Back (Europe) - 1190x1520
Europe -  1190 x 1520

Box - Front

10 Computer Hits 4 - Box - Front (Europe) - 1190x1520
Europe -  1190 x 1520

Box - Spine

10 Computer Hits 4 - Box - Spine (Europe) - 152x1520
Europe -  152 x 1520

Cart - Front

10 Computer Hits 4 - Cart - Front (Europe) - 800x501
Europe -  800 x 501
10 Computer Hits 4 - Cart - Front (Europe) - 800x501
Europe -  800 x 501

Clear Logo

10 Computer Hits 4 - Clear Logo (null) - 2400x1583
2400 x 1583

Screenshot - Game Select

10 Computer Hits 4 - Screenshot - Game Select (null) - 640x480
640 x 480