This is an adaptation of Steve Jackson from a single-player adventure gamebook for the 16-bit SEGA Megadrive / Genesis console! Everything has been faithfully done with a sound environment suited to your future adventure! Just like the original game, you can create your own character OR choose to let the game take care of it .. But beware, it will not necessarily be the most balanced ... You write the adventure according to your choices, page after page. This adventure is a real Challenge ... A fantastic one that will bring you back to the pages of these fabulous books of which you are the Hero ! How good would you be ?? How To play ? * START button to access your adventure sheet in part. * C button to change the Font during the game. * Left or Right to browse your Adventure Book. * In the Adventure Sheet, you can use certain Healing spells (ENDURANCE, SKILL, LUCK, ...), the choice of spells during the adventure is automatic. * You will also access the Combat sheet. You can throw your Dice, Test your Luck in combat (More damage inflicted or the reverse ...) or flee (and die most often!)
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