A PD game by Richard Reed, released as part of the Assassins Disk 134 and as a coverdisk on CU Amiga December of 1991. This fascinating and original strategy game places up to four players in an electrical arena where the object is to drain your opponents' power until they die. The game is played on a grid upon which a variety of electrical components can be placed, the most basic of which is a circuit. To wipe out the opposition you'll need to build a network which enables your Runners to reach them. The game is played in three phases: the action phase when new pieces are played: the movement phase when Grid-runners are moved and switches are opened and shut; and the power-up phase where players regain crucial energy according to the extent of their network. Due to the size of the instructions, we're unable to give you a full player's guide here, but if you use the PPMore option on disk 23, you can load the instructions from disk 22. They're in the 'Docs' directory of the disk, along with complete instructions for many of the other games. Version 1.4 of this game was also released on DevWare FunDisk 024 Strategy Games as Circuit Wars.
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