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Illustration of Garden Gnome Carnage

Garden Gnome Carnage


Because video games cannot be completely abstract, they sometimes spitefully adopt absurd plots: an obstreperous garden gnome, fed up with cheerful elves dropping presents down his chimney, has ripped his apartment building from its foundations and installed it on wheels allowing it to roll left or right. To defend it from their resolute holiday cheer, he has tied himself to the end of a bungee cord secured to the chimney atop the building, and threatens to dislodge any elves attempting to scale its sides using his own body, manipulated (much as in xWUNG) through subtle adjustments in the building's rolling motion.

But the elves don't give up, and soon show up in flying sleds to parachute down! Fortunately this arms race escalation goes both ways, and the gnome can snatch bricks from his building's facade to fling at the elves and sleds, racking up bonus points for combo collisions. If things get really hairy (when elves reach the building's roof, they untie the bungee), he can even call in a limited number of air strikes to level the playing field! (This is a well-connected gnome.)

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Garden Gnome Carnage - Box - Front (World) - 1024x1024
World -  1024 x 1024

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Garden Gnome Carnage - Clear Logo (null) - 627x229
627 x 229