Translated as Life and Death of Dinosaurs, this educational game for one was created by Fabrice Decroix and Jacques Dimier and was published in 1989 by Carraz Editions. It all begins in a small room in the Paris Natural History Museum. You are on the eve of a great expedition that will take you to the four corners of the world. Or even goal, to discover dinosaur fossils and bring them back to Paris. But before embarking on this adventure, you must prepare all the equipment necessary for your mission. A-so, let's return to the first stage of the game. On the right side of the screen, a trunk is depicted; it is inside this that you will have to put the objects to take away. But before placing the objects in the trunk, you must open it; logical, right? To do this, you move the cursor to the padlock, you click and the trunk opens, it's magic! For the rest of the game, the principle will be the same. Another example: in the drawing representing the room, you do not see an object used to dig up fossils; place your cursor on the door of the cabinet which is located at the bottom right, click, and the door opens, revealing a hammer and a chisel which you also put dry in your trunk. Well, I won't tell you any more, otherwise what's the point of Carraz taking it easy? Ah, last thing, don't forget to turn off the light before leaving, and take note of the access code that we give you... IN SEARCH OF DINOSAURS The second stage begins with a planisphere, where the different excavation fields that you can explore are represented. Once the continent has been chosen, your excavation field is displayed on the screen, with the trunk on the right, and at the bottom left three symbols representing analysis laboratories (physics/chemistry, paleontology and geology). Now you need to discover the dinosaur fossils. Choose the right tool (the shovel or pickaxe will do the trick). When a fossil begins to appear, abandon this tool that is too destructive, and take another smaller one (randomly the hammer or the chisel). Continue your digging, then change tools again, otherwise you could break the fossil, which would then be unusable. Once the fossil is completely updated, you must pack it, then send it to the analysis laboratories, which will give you valuable information for the rest of the game. The results of the analyzes will be sent to you on a list that you can print. When the game is over, you will be given a new code. THE BIG DAY After this most enriching expedition, another tour de force awaits you, the doctorate. You find yourself in a room, facing three eminent paleontologists who will assess your knowledge. You will be asked twenty questions, which must be answered by taking out the corresponding fossil. Take your time and remember everything you learned during the excavations. A very good game and a very good educational one, what more could you ask for?
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