The player has washed up on Science Island, and has only 400 hours to build a safe house before a major hurricane strikes. The player drives their car around the roads of Science Island, trying to drive to moving riddle signs. At each riddle sign, they can acquire memstones if they answer questions correctly. Each memstone can be used to build a part of the house. The player loses hours if they hit a wall, and also lose hours as they drive. There are hint signs on the side of the road that cost 2 hours to read. The player also encounters troll tolls, which can cost the player 20 hours if they answer a riddle incorrectly. If the player collects 20 stones and completes their cabin, they have the option to travel to the town and try to collect stones to build a townhouse. Doing this successfully, the player can travel to the Troll Forest, and try to gather memstones to build a castle.
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