
Save The Kuin

Release Date calendar
May 1, 2023
Game Type type
Max Players players

The Afgard dynasty, the longest running monarchy on the Anoris continent, has ruled over the span of 1000 years. Well known for its capable military force, its influence used to spread all the way through the continent and islands to the East. For a long time, the united continent fought off invasion and attacks from pirates, rebels and troops from other kingdoms. In time, conflict among the neighboring territories and tribes drove to war. Afgard to avoid any further tensions nullified all its alliances and isolated from the rest of the continent. For four generations the people of Afgard have lived peacefully while their military power slowly diminished. Despite this time of peace, The Kingdom started experiencing economic troubles. And so, the marriage with a maiden, from a prominent wealthy and powerful family from Khusa, was arranged in attempt to restore some of Afgard’s former glory. Some years have passed and now this young woman, the Queen of Afgard, has been abducted from the castle. A legendary hero of the land returns in this time of need. With firm determination he sets forth to use his combat skills in order to rescue the Queen and help in this time of despair.

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Action, Adventure
Yukahu Games
Broke Studio
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