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Illustration of The Lost Boys: Frog Bros.

The Lost Boys: Frog Bros.


Take control of Vampire Hunters Edgar and Alan Frog as they stand tall to protect Santa Carla from an evil gang of vampires and their leader, David. For the first time ever, the 1988 cult classic The Lost Boys comes to the Nintendo Entertainment System. This game was made at the request... No Demand of Edgar Frog himself... Corey Feldman!!!!

This is a romhack of Shadow of the Ninja.

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Alternate Names
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Cart - 3D

The Lost Boys: Frog Bros. - Cart - 3D (null) - 573x709
573 x 709

Screenshot - Game Select

The Lost Boys: Frog Bros. - Screenshot - Game Select (null) - 256x224
256 x 224

Screenshot - Game Title

The Lost Boys: Frog Bros. - Screenshot - Game Title (null) - 256x224
256 x 224

Screenshot - Gameplay

The Lost Boys: Frog Bros. - Screenshot - Gameplay (null) - 256x224
256 x 224
The Lost Boys: Frog Bros. - Screenshot - Gameplay (null) - 256x224
256 x 224