Eeyore's Tail has gone missing again, and King Golly and Queen Sindy are offering the hand of their daughter, Princess Tiny, in marriage to the toy that can reunite Eeyore with his tail. As Joe, you decide to try your luck on the quest. If you can't find the tail you can always abscond with the twelve treasures Golly has hidden around his kingdom as extra incentive. A text adventure developed using Magus's Amulet adventure language which allows for short sentences in English such as DRIVE THE CAR NORTH OPEN THE STABLE DOOR GET THE EGG AND THE PULLET ATTACH THE BATTERY TO THE ENGINE PUSH THE ROCK SOUTH The game also appeared on the Magus adventure disk Nursery Crhymes, which comprised What's Eeyore's, Locks of Luck, and Village of Lost Souls.
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