The Talosian Incident

Release Date calendar
June 19, 1997
Platform joystick
Game Type type
Max Players players

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The Talosian Incident is a 20-level megawad for Doom II, created by The Black Star Coven, a team led by John Bye (Gestalt666). Released on June 19, 1997, it stood out against other WADs of the era for its strong emphasis on creating moody atmospheres, helped by a predominantly ambient soundtrack in the vein of Doom 64. It was named by Doomworld as one of the ten best mods of 1997. It was meant to be a routine scouting mission of a planet categorised by the UAC as inhospitable and uninhabited... As you went into orbit around the third planet of the Talosian system, the computer console in front of you lit up all the colours of the rainbow, warning lights strobing. "Speak to me," the captain shouted over the deafening roar as the ship began to shudder violently. "Plasma leak in engineering," you shout back. "We need to shut down the reactor before it spreads..." The pilot turned from his controls, called back to the captain. "Orbital injection hasn't been completed - if we shut down the engines now we'll go too low and burn up!" Shrieks spluttered out of the comm-link - the men in engineering trying to escape the radiation leak. The captain stared blankly out through the shielded window at the front of the ship... "We've got to shut it down," he muttered. "They're dying down there - no choice..." "We'll all die if we don't make orbit." You wait for your orders, fingers poised above the console. The order never comes. Another explosion rocks the ship, and debris shakes itself loose from the ceiling, a cascade of sparks showering down over the captain. With a final cry he falls from his seat and collapses on the floor, body still convulsing from the shock as his heart stops. "We've got to make that orbit," the pilot says, turning to face you. "Eject the reactor core and we all die..." Your finger hovers over the eject button for a second, then withdraws. You sit back and listen, helpless as the screams from engineering reach a crescendo, then fade into a dull electric hum. Nothing but the sound of fire and the sparking discharge of your ship's power cells. The pilot grabs the controls, pulls the ship into the correct insertion orbit, struggling with the joystick as another explosion hits engineering. Into the upper atmosphere, viewport glowing red with heat. Regaining your senses you close the blast-cover over the window, check the power output of the reactor. "We've got to land soon, the power loss is getting worse. We're going to lose the reactor's cooling system in maybe five minutes..." The ship shudders as the pilot pushes its nose further down, forces it into a steeper descent. Mountains and canyons race by beneath you, slowly coming closer. The shaking gets worse, wires coming loose from the ceiling and waving around in the air, sparking as they hit metal. The pilot suddenly sits bolt upright, his hair on end, the wire pushing thousands of volts through his console. As the wire seperates itself from the metal he falls back and lies smouldering on the floor. Grabbing the co-pilot joystick in front of you, you try to regain control of the ship as it plummets groundwards. Your life, and those of the other survivors and the team still in deep freeze in your medlab, all depend on you... The ship slows, drifts closer to the rock below as the land rises to meet you. There's a sudden jolt, a scraping noise as the ship hits a ridge, then you are down, the landing claws grabbing the hard rock beneath your ship... You shut down the reactor, lock the lower deck's doors to contain the leak. Reaching the communications rig at the front of the cockpit you try to send a distress call, but something is blocking your signal... The jamming signal is a regular, artificial source. Some THING is alive out there. There's nothing for it - you'll just have to suit up and go out there and shut down whatever artefact is blocking your transmissions. Something tells you this planet isn't going to be as dead as the UAC told you...

Alternate Names
  • The Talosian Incident: A Requiem For Doom

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