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Illustration of 5 Keys

5 Keys


5 Keys is a single-player platform game for the ZX Spectrum. It was developed by Mr. Rancio and FM30. It was developed for Bytemaniacos Concurso Aventura 2023 competition.

The player's task is to collect the five keys on the board and use them to open a locked door to another room full of traps. The player can move blocks and patch holes in the floor with them and destroy round stones under which the keys may be hidden. In further boards, shoot round buttons to unlock locked passages. Be careful when doing so, as some of them trigger traps. The player will also have baubles and other items necessary to complete the level. The player's character cannot jump and if he falls into a hole, the R key must be pressed, which restarts the level but takes one of the three available lives. A similar situation will happen if the player falls on spikes.

Mr. RancioFM30
Mr. Rancio
Alternate Names
  • Five Keys: The TV Show
  • Five Keys
No information available


Screenshot - Game Title

5 Keys - Screenshot - Game Title - 640x480
640 x 480

Screenshot - Gameplay

5 Keys - Screenshot - Gameplay - 640x480
640 x 480