Aliens TC is a total conversion of Doom based on the movie Aliens, created in 1994 by Justin Fisher. It was the first total conversion and is one of the most famous. In the week following the release of Doom II, there was more discussion in the Doom newsgroups related to Aliens TC than to Doom II. The popularity of the TC even reached outside the Doom community, for instance providing inspiration for the 1998 Dreamworks game Trespasser. The original version of the mod was for Doom v1.2 and v1.666, with Ultimate Doom compatibility added later. Jason Mezzacca eventually created a version for use with Doom II. In addition to the replacement maps, textures, and sounds, the mod uses extensive DeHackEd modifications to create new weapons and monsters. The Aliens TC is noted for its suspenseful atmosphere. The first level is devoid of enemies, a surprising feature considering the fast-paced action of Doom. Later on, however, the player faces the aliens and even gets to use the powerloader from Aliens as a weapon.
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