Offroad Thunder is an off-road racing game in both the Off Road and Midway's Thunder Racing series.
The player can choose from three game modes: Demolition - earning points for smashing other racers; Rally - regular race to the finish line; Snag the Flag - earning points for grabbing and holding the flag.
There are seven unlocked tracks (Airtime, Alpine Air, Carnie O' Chaos, Double Barrel, High Octane, Over 'N' Under, Tunnel Vision) and one locked (Cliffhanger). They have secret paths, shortcuts, flying obstacles and nitro power-ups.
There are eight available vehicles (Bad Omen, General, Nitro Ninja, Outlaw, Silver Streak, Snake Eyes, Stinger, Thrasher) and four hidden ones (Chieftain, Dust Devil, Hyena, Wildcat).