Release Date calendar
May 25, 1982
Game Type type
Max Players players

You control one of two frogs sitting on a lily pad in a bog. The object of the game is to eat as many flies as you can in the three minute time limit. Your frog can jump back and forth between the two lily pads in order to catch the flies that go by overhead. When jumping, be careful not to fall in the water or your frog will have to swim back to the lily pad which can waste time. The game can be played during the day, or at night making it more difficult to see the flies. At the end of the time limit, whichever player has eaten more flies wins! One player can compete against a computer controlled frog, or two players against each other.

Alternate Names
  • Frogs and Flies
  • Frogs and Flies
  • Pântano dos Sapos Brazil Brazil



Not Rated

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