Saboten Bombers was a Japanese exclusive game developed by NMK and manufactured by Tecmo in 1992 In this one to two player co-operative platform game, you play a cactus and must clear a screen of all the baddies on it by throwing bombs. The game is shown on one screen with platforms in various positions. The bomb you throw bounces around the screen for a short time before exploding. If you're caught in the path of the bomb, then you bounce with it, but you can jump clear. If you explode with the bomb then you lose one of three lives, but you do leave behind a ring and if you collect it when you reappear then all enemies are killed. If you get hit by an enemy's weapon, then you lose a life as well. Each enemy killed leaves behind an object for a short space of time and when collected gives bonus points and if they leave behind a piece of cake, and you collect enough then you are awarded an extra life. On the fifth stage the two players must fight each other (if one player then the arcade plays) by throwing spiked balls which bounce around. One touch is all that is needed to win, and huge bonus points are awarded. On the Tenth stage, you fight a huge boss. Once all lives are lost, then it is game over, but you can continue on the level you lost on.
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