I"s is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Masakazu Katsura. The story's main character is 16-year-old high school student Ichitaka Seto who is in love with his classmate Iori Yoshizuki, but too shy to tell her. Again and again he plans to tell her his true feelings, but each time something (usually a misunderstanding of some kind) gets in the way. Things become even more complicated when Itsuki Akiba returns to Japan; she is a girl Ichitaka was friends with in their childhood before she moved to the United States, and who had a huge crush on him. I"s Pure is the second OVA based on I"s, a 6-episode OVA series animated by ARMS, produced by Pierrot, and released on DVD in Japan by Liverpool. There is also a DVD volume 0 containing promotional and background material. A video game titled I"s Pure, based on the OVA series of the same name, was released on November 9, 2006 for the PlayStation 2 in Japan. I's Pure is an adventure video game in which the main character is Kazuki Seto and starts high school in april and the game will take place in the period of three years, the story will advance depending of the player choices during the game.
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