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Illustration of How To Raise A Dragon

How To Raise A Dragon


In How to Raise a Dragon, players guide a dragon through its life phases, shaping its abilities and behavior.

The game begins with the dragon hatching from it's egg. As a hatchling, it can eat several types of food, determining the coloring of it's skin. But at the end of the stage, the little hatchling is trapped by a wizard.

As a young adult, the dragon is trapped in the wizard's castle, trying to find a way out. During this phase, the dragon can develop certain breathe abilities (fire, healing, plant growth, or even none), once again by eating certain items.

Reaching adulthood, the dragon roams the countryside, interacting with humans and seeking a lair, this phase determining the dragons behavior.

In the last stage, a hero appears, whose destiny is linked with the dragon. The hero can choose to befriend, pay tribute, or slay the dragon, all of these actions concluding in one of five possible endings.

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Armor Games
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How To Raise A Dragon - Box - Front - 1024x1024
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1952 x 159