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Illustration of Nick Jr Dora the Explorer: Dora's Fix-it Adventure

Nick Jr Dora the Explorer: Dora's Fix-it Adventure


¡Hola! Welcome to Dora’s Fix-it Adventure, where you can explore and learn with Dora and her friends! Dora’s friend Tico the squirrel has invented a wonderful new machine – the Air-CarBoat-Mobile! He invites Dora and Boots for a ride, but before they can even climb aboard, something goes wrong and the machine flies apart, scattering its parts into four far away places! Dora and Boots promise to help Tico find the lost parts, so he can rebuild his special invention. But Swiper the Fox overhears the friends talking, and vows to get to the parts first, so he can swipe them! Will you help Dora and Boots get to each part before Swiper, so that Tico can rebuild his Air-Car-Boat-Mobile? ¡Muy bien!

Alternate Names
  • Dora the Explorer: Dora's Fix-it Adventure
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Box - Front - Reconstructed

Nick Jr Dora the Explorer: Dora's Fix-it Adventure - Box - Front - Reconstructed - 810x1122
North America -  810 x 1122

Clear Logo

Nick Jr Dora the Explorer: Dora's Fix-it Adventure - Clear Logo - 600x300
600 x 300

Screenshot - Game Select

Nick Jr Dora the Explorer: Dora's Fix-it Adventure - Screenshot - Game Select - 320x240
320 x 240

Screenshot - Game Title

Nick Jr Dora the Explorer: Dora's Fix-it Adventure - Screenshot - Game Title - 320x240
320 x 240

Screenshot - Gameplay

Nick Jr Dora the Explorer: Dora's Fix-it Adventure - Screenshot - Gameplay - 320x240
320 x 240