Bruce Jenner's World Class Decathlon is a remake of the classic title released for 8-bit computers: Daley Thompson's Decathlon. Unlike other button mashers such as those released by Epyx, it focuses on a stats system and career development. As seasons pass by, the player grows from a rookie to, if successful, a world class competitor, by assigning skill points to key areas required to succeed in decathlon: throwing, running, jumping, etc. However, more important than anything else is stamina. As decathlon puts athletes in a strenuous 5 events per day, if the player gives everything in the early events, the legs will start failing in the 400 m (day 1) and the 1500 m (day 2) runs.
All actions are mouse-controlled, and require presses and holds rather than mashing the buttons repeatedly. The game also includes FMV clips from Thompson or Jenney (depending on the version) offering advice about the events.