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Illustration of Wolfenstein 3D

Wolfenstein 3D


You know the shot heard round the world? You could consider Wolfenstein 3-D to be the gaming version of that. That first shot from BJ Blazkowitz fathered countless games over the years including a revisit to the castle nine years later and this faithful GBA port. While the original was preceded on PCs by its cousin Catacombs 3-D, Wolfenstein 3-D had a much greater impact on the industry and gamers making it one of the most influential games of all times. Along with its younger brother DOOM, Wolf 3-D popularized the 3D FPS, and started a new revolution in gaming.

Alternate Names
No information available



Wolfenstein 3D - Banner (North America) - 1369x187
North America -  1369 x 187

Box - 3D

Wolfenstein 3D - Box - 3D (North America) - 456x528
North America -  456 x 528

Box - Back

Wolfenstein 3D - Box - Back (North America) - 734x728
North America -  734 x 728
Wolfenstein 3D - Box - Back (Europe) - 898x891
Europe -  898 x 891

Box - Front

Wolfenstein 3D - Box - Front (North America) - 730x734
North America -  730 x 734
Wolfenstein 3D - Box - Front (Europe) - 617x640
Europe -  617 x 640

Cart - Front

Wolfenstein 3D - Cart - Front (North America) - 473x283
North America -  473 x 283
Wolfenstein 3D - Cart - Front (United Kingdom) - 554x332
United Kingdom -  554 x 332
Wolfenstein 3D - Cart - Front (Europe) - 557x342
Europe -  557 x 342

Clear Logo

Wolfenstein 3D - Clear Logo (null) - 1266x357
1266 x 357

Fanart - Background

Wolfenstein 3D - Fanart - Background (null) - 1920x1080
1920 x 1080
Wolfenstein 3D - Fanart - Background (null) - 1920x1080
1920 x 1080

Screenshot - Game Select

Wolfenstein 3D - Screenshot - Game Select (null) - 240x160
240 x 160

Screenshot - Game Title

Wolfenstein 3D - Screenshot - Game Title (null) - 240x160
240 x 160

Screenshot - Gameplay

Wolfenstein 3D - Screenshot - Gameplay (null) - 240x160
240 x 160
Wolfenstein 3D - Screenshot - Gameplay (null) - 240x160
240 x 160
Wolfenstein 3D - Screenshot - Gameplay (null) - 240x160
240 x 160
Wolfenstein 3D - Screenshot - Gameplay (null) - 240x160
240 x 160