As a sequel to Missing (In Memoriam in Europe), Evidence: The Last Ritual is an adventure game that continues that story. The ruthless and elusive serial killer, known only by the pseudo-name "The Phoenix", is still at large and on a killing spree in Europe. The ICPA (International Committee for the Phoenix's Arrest) tells you of new evidence left by the Phoenix - computer discs that include videos of victims, cryptic puzzles and riddles. Who is the Phoenix? Where is he (or she) hiding? You'll join the ranks of the investigative ICPA team to try and answer those questions. As you progress through the game's eight levels, you'll interact with stylized screens to solve intriguing, and sometimes gruesome, puzzles that the Phoenix has crafted to tease and taunt his (or her) audience. The riddles are presented in live-action video form (with real actors and actresses) as well as interactive flash mini-games. Solving a puzzle results in another video clip either from Officer Manuela, the Portuguese detective searching for Jack Lorski (from the first game), or Jessica, who is still looking for information on the whereabouts of her missing brother Adrian. Searching the Internet is vital to finding key pieces of information, so an internet connection is required to play the game. Additionally, by entering an e-mail address you can receive messages from in-game characters.
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M - Mature