Tetris Kiwamemichi features the standard guideline ruleset for gameplay. However, there is also a 750ms delay between a piece spawning and said piece speeding up to the current gravity value, thus making it easier to maneuver a tetromino at 20G. Two level systems are used in-game: Arcade - the level increases every piece drop or line clear, similar to the Grand Master series. This is the default system in the arcade version. Home - the level increases every 10 lines cleared. Tetris Kiwamemichi looks very similar to Tetris DS, as well as Tetris Advance. The game includes a four player co-op and versus mode. Infinity is included, but can be disabled. Like the gameboy tetris versions, this game features a post entry delay, that lets you move and rotate a piece before it starts to drop. This significantly decreases the difficulty of 20G play. A Sega NAOMI GD-rom version (arcade) of this game has been released, but it is very rare. Its product number is GDL-0020.
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