Both Altair and Altair II were developed by the company Electrónica Functional Operativa SA (EFOSA) and manufactured and marketed by Playmatic through Cidelsa.
The most notable Altair II changes are: new order of phases, new final enemy and including a ranking system similar to the one implemented in Draco.
Differences between Altair II and Altair:
New final enemy, the remembered "blue baby."
New title screen. The background color changes from blue to black, and the introductory text "Win battle after battle and destroy the monster as he did..." is replaced to form Altair's title based on characters, although without showing the number 2. The text of the highest score is simply reduced to "Winner."
New order of enemies. Change the order of the last three waves.
When starting the phase, the ship can rise on its own and the Martians emerge from below: in the original Altair, the ship always emerges from the bottom and the enemies always emerge from above.
The player turn change text (“Player 1”, “Player 2”) is shown in Spanish (“Jugador 1”, “Jugador 2”).
Include a ranking system . The game awards a ranking at the end of the game, which is displayed on a pink-background Game Over screen that did not exist in the original Altair . The possible ratings are: FAIR, GOOD, NOTABLE, OUTSTANDING and EXTRAORDINARY.
In Altair II the final enemy is the monster, a baby wrapped in a pink bubble. To kill it, you have to shoot the legs, which consist of two vertical barriers, and which disappear depending on whether the shots are hit. Awards 500 points when killed.