Return of the Ring is a single-player role-playing game. In the first game The Ring of Darkness, the player became Ringbearer, wielder of the Four Bright Rings, who has rested the awesome Ring Of Darkness from its guardian Gron, servant of the Evil Sage. The player is now tasked with returning the ring to its creators, the masters of Ringworld. Transported to a mysterious city on a decaying planet, the last vestige of a once great civilization. Communication with planet Aingworld has been broken. At the start of each game, the player distributes 50 points over 4 statistics: strength, intelligence, charisma, and regenerations. The player then chooses from human, dwarf, or elf race, and technician, warrior, or trader class. This race and class effects overall attributes at the start of game. The game is divided into separate text adventure segments, overland segments where the player can engage in combat with mutants, and 3D sections from a 1st person perspective.
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