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Illustration of Alex Kidd in Pico World

Alex Kidd in Pico World


After Miracle, Techno, and Shinobi, Alex has found yet another world to adventure in, Pico 8 world - and it wasn't easy! Cramming yourself into a world which only exists inside an 8192 token limit is no mean feat! But that's no problem for Alex's mean fist!

This is a delightful demake of the classic Sega Master System game, Alex Kidd in Miracle World. Created by Domarius Games, it’s designed for the PICO-8 Fantasy Console. In this miniaturized version, everything from the original game has been recreated within the limitations of PICO-8. If you’re a fan of the original, you’ll appreciate this nostalgic take on the iconic title.

Domarius Games
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