Dr. Luigi is the sixth installment in the Dr. Mario series. The game was released exclusively for Nintendo eShop on Wii U as part of the Year of Luigi. As the title suggests, the game stars Luigi in a game very similar to Dr. Mario. Unlike his brother, Dr. Luigi still wears his hat rather than a head mirror, although later in Dr. Mario: Miracle Cure, Luigi wears the head mirror. The gameplay is very similar to the original Dr. Mario game. Players must eliminate viruses by stacking Megavitamins on them by ultimately creating a row of four or more of the same color. In this game, however, there is a new game mode named Operation L, which involves stacking multicolored L-shaped pills in reference to Luigi. Combos are altered in this game. In Dr. Mario, when a player gains a combo, the opponent will receive two half-Megavitamins to stall progress. In Operation L, when a player gains a combo, the opposing player's upcoming Megavitamin will have its colors switched. Like Dr. Mario Online Rx, if the player completes the 20th level with the high speed in every mode (except multiplayer) the credits will roll.
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E - Everyone