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Illustration of Adventureland



You wander through an enchanged world trying to recover the 13 lost treasures. You'll encounter wild animals, magical beings, and many other perils and puzzles. Can you rescue the Blue Ox from the quicksand? Or find your way out of the maze of pits? Happy Adventuring....

Apple II
Alternate Names
  • Scott Adams' Adventure #1: Adventureland


Box - Back

Adventureland - Box - Back - 643x1016
North America -  643 x 1016

Box - Front

Adventureland - Box - Front - 645x1007
North America -  645 x 1007
Adventureland - Box - Front - 645x1000
North America -  645 x 1000

Cart - Front

Adventureland - Cart - Front - 592x377
North America -  592 x 377
Adventureland - Cart - Front - 602x380
North America -  602 x 380

Clear Logo

Adventureland - Clear Logo - 437x51
437 x 51
Adventureland - Clear Logo - 2400x424
North America -  2400 x 424

Screenshot - Game Title

Adventureland - Screenshot - Game Title - 640x480
640 x 480

Screenshot - Gameplay

Adventureland - Screenshot - Gameplay - 640x480
640 x 480